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More advice for transactions services and M&A

The question of whether a company should be acquired, sold or transferred to another company raises a number of issues besides the legal aspects associated with such a transaction. Our M&A specialists provide a sound decision-making basis, regardless of whether you find yourself in the position of buyer or seller. Our interdisciplinary teams of experts help you with quickly identifying possible deal-breakers and seizing any opportunities that may arise.

Our expertise in buy-side due diligence provides buyers with a sense of security with regard to the company’s situation, but also with regard to the adequacy of the purchase price. A systematic process for preparing the documents that are required for the transaction (vendor due diligence) puts you in a position where you (as the seller) are able to identify all of the items that must be discussed with potential buyers. It means that you are better able to manage the contract negotiations and lay the foundation for a successful closing.

  • Selecting a suitable reorganisation strategy to match your business goal
  • Due diligence, financial and tax analysis of business entities
  • Related advice on reorganisations

Our services 

Financial Due Diligence

  • Financial analysis
  • Identification of one-off items
  • Analysis of customers and suppliers
  • Evaluation of budgets
  • Working capital analysis
  • Net debt analysis
  • Determination of purchase price adjustments

Tax Due Diligence

  • Tax analysis
  • Obtaining information for purchase agreement negotiations
  • Audit of loss carried forward
  • Thin capitalisation rules
  • Transfer pricing documentation
  • Withholding taxes
  • Value added tax
  • Real estate tax

Tax advisory

  • Choice of a suitable structure
  • Reduction of tax risks
  • Restructuring (merger, demerger, in-kind contribution)
  • Exit tax


  • Financing structuring (equity, debt, hybrid financing)
  • Support in negotiations with banks
  • Thin capitalisation
  • Debt restructuring


  • Purchase price determination
  • Purchase price adjustments
  • Proposal for guarantees and tax clauses
  • Robert Alexa
  • Miroslav Král
    Tax Advisor | Partner
  • Martina Neklapil
    Manager | Tax Advisor
  • Christian Oberhumer
    Auditor | Tax Advisor | Partner | Shareholder
Let's get in touch!